I need to make a disclaimer for this post and all posts to follow. I have made an effort to take on the subject matter without the use of profanity. “Regular readers” may have noticed an increase in profanity or graphic descriptions that some may find offensive. All I have to say is “I tried my best” but to write about the Illuminati without using profanity is like trying to explain a flavor without using words like sweet, sour, bitter, smoky, spicy etc.
If you have read all of the posts in this blog you should be aware of three things:1) I take my time between posting. 2) I have a consistent theme regarding a hegemonic power structure that oppresses our creativity and problem solving capacity. 3) I implied that if you thought Howard Dean was worthy of your vote or your time you were an ignorant moron.
Let me formally apologize to those who don’t know enough about Howard Dean. In this day and age where the media whores seem fit to talk about Scott Petersen, Robert Blake, or OJ Simpson ad-nauseum certain stories get ignored completely-or disappear off the map after being initially reported.
Ralph Nader said of President Bill Clinton that “He was the best republican president the US ever had”, Howard Dean was the best republican governor the State of Vermont ever had. He was known as fiscally conservative and socially liberal. As he (Dean), pertained to civil unions, it was the Vermont Supreme Court that interpreted the Vermont Constitution in such a manner it found that it was unconstitutional to discriminate against the long-term same-sex partner of a person regarding their end of care life situations and health benefits. Howard Dean simply refused to veto the courts decision to any degree he could have.
The purpose of this post is to report factual information coupled with my own personal analysis. Assuming you read my posts regarding the policy of prohibition and how it serves the Illuminati, how the Illuminati distract the minions by pitching two opposites against each-other, how Illuminati Policy can be discovered by looking at where the two sides are in agreement, and how the Illuminati use fear as their principal means of controlling peoples minds then you are able to see how Howard Dean could be an Illuminist whore.
When the subject of methadone maintenance in Vermont came up Coward Dean used every fear argument in the book to oppose it-essentially saying that junkies east of the Mississippi would descend on Burlington for their methadone. He may have also been one of these idiots who suggested (as several have) that providing methadone to junkies would “send the wrong message to children” as if children are so stupid they will play around with smack because they can always get methadone when they decide to clean out.
Speaking of cleaning out I will attempt to keep the following within the confines of FCC regulations by saying that it is the opinion of the author that Howard Dean is a little fornicating sawed-off penis Illuminist whore with blood on his hands. “Where’s the blood?” you might ask. Well, thanks to Coward Dean’s fear mongering, a woman by the name of Linda Clark (who happened to be addicted to heroin and was trying to clean up her life) was forced to make the 400-mile round-trip to Massachusetts to get her daily dose of methadone. On one of her trips she was killed in a crash on I-89, her son was critically injured.
Now I am no fan of methadone. I believe acupuncture, hashish and ibogaine work better to clean up an addict than replacing one addictive drug with another. I personally think methadone is just a scheme to make the pockets of the pharmaceutical industry ever fatter. However anything that prevents an addict from spreading disease should be considered sound public policy and ought to be encouraged but Coward Dean fought it tooth and nail and he is a doctor for Christ sake. And now thanks to that bastard this woman is dead while her son is crippled and left without his mother-I wonder how he is doing?
Dean was once asked: “You went to Yale, were you a member of skull and bones?”
His answer was to refuse to answer the question. Now if you went to Yale and were asked the same question and you had NOT been a member of skull and bones wouldn’t you “just say no”? Incidentally, the “tomb” at Yale where the bonesmen meet was built with drug money, specifically opium money. The founder of skull and bones-William Russell-had the tomb built with his daddy’s money. His family was the Russell Trading Company that did brisk business trafficking opium. skull and bones is a fast track of sorts for the Illuminati. In setting up skull and bones Russell borrowed heavily from the Bavarian Illuminist lodge started by Adam Weishaupt most notably the initiation ritual which seeks to implant in the initiate a satanic level of psychopathic philosophy i.e., whether you are a beggar or king in the end all you are is a pile of bones-that there are no consequences to your actions. Tell that one to Linda Clark Howard! I hope she is waiting there for you when you take your last breath. May she start you on your way to hell by putting her foot so firmly between your testicles that you develop a vagina-you pussy parasitic whore feeding off the public trust! It is not too late to repent until your dumb ass is in the ground.
Incidentally Howard Dean is not from Vermont. He grew up a child of privilege in the luxurious Hamptons on Long Island. He went to prep schools associated with the rich and famous and was probably jerking off in a coffin in the tomb of skull and bones.
If Dean was a bonesmen it would certainly shine a curious light on the last election because the three candidates who played the largest role in the election would then ALL be bonesmen.
Is Howard Dean an Illuminist whore? To quote FOX News’ slogan “We report-you decide.” Thanks for reading-P.
Do you remember how Howard talked at first-- telling us that we "had the power", using the Declaration of Independence...? These were the words that so many of us are dying to hear from a candidate and these words were what got him so much early support. Unfortunately these are not words that truly belong to him. And until someone turns up who can speak them from the heart, we will have only skull-and-bones candidates offered us. Great post!
Posted by: Pat Hejny | September 29, 2005 at 08:41 PM
He's from the Fabian Socialist side of the hegalian dialectic iluminati treasonous cabal... he's a Cecil Rhodes scholar like WJClinton is.
Posted by: Pat Henry | October 06, 2005 at 01:36 PM
As the founder/chair of the only other major political party in Vt.- the Vt. Grassroots Party, I ran against Howard Dean for Guv in both '94 and '96. After our 2nd debate, I sarcastically wished him well on his Presidential aspirations in the year 2000 or 2004- as I could tell he was yet another arrogant, career politician. Although he won the Governor's race(having outspent me by 100,000 to 1), at least I was nominated by our sister party-the Grassroots Party of Minnesota to be the Presidential candidate against Bush in the 2000 election. There were 13 other candidates on the ballot besides myself running against Bush. When Dean did attempt to become a Presidential candidate in 2004, I was amazed to find him posing as a populist candidate- as all those who knew him as Governor of Vt. thought him to be a moderate Republican. Your comments about Dean ring true.
Posted by: Denny | October 12, 2005 at 09:01 PM
For November 5th is a MASSIVE & POWERFUL Masonic/Illuminati symbolic date - on the 5th November 1605 Guy Fawkes was caught in the cellars of the Houses of Parliament with several dozen barrels of gunpowder.*
EXACTLY 400 years of Black Ops*. Just as 9/11 was EXACTLY 60 years after the opening ceremony at the Pentagon. And 7/7 was the mid date of the Ministry of Defence week of celebrations (4th to 10th July) to commemorate EXACTLY 60 years after the end of World War Two.
Secret Societies warn each other on Pages 16 & 17 of the Mail on Sunday
*"Time will stand still on Big Ben for 33 hours." *33 is one of the
most important occult numbers - e.g. the 33 levels of masons etc. This is to draw attention to the secret society members that a secret message is hidden in what to the rest of us would otherwise be a very long and very detailed boring article about a subject that is not really newsworthy.
Prior to the 22/7 bombing in Egypt (and the failed bombing in Chicago) Big Ben stopped at 22.07 and restarted at 22.20 about a week before the atrocity. Although this article supposedly details all the previous
times Big Ben has stopped it hasdeliberately ignored this one - Why? -
the Egypt bomb went off at 22.07 GMT on 22/7 and was one of the
significant items that led to the previous forecast of 'False Flag'
atrocities on 22/7 which was subsequently sent to over 650 UK national
media journalists. Included in the article are: A/ .....including the
clocks 5 (5=5) foot, 47 stone (4+7=11) pendulum - a reference to the
5/11. B/.....at 14 (1+4=5) tons Big Ben is the biggest bell ever
cast......on the 146 (1+4+6=11) year old clocks mechanism - a reference
to the 5/11. These are clearly two separate hidden references to 5/11 -
the 5th November.
If anything really drastic did happen on November 5th, the London stock
Exchange is closed until the following Monday morning, thus minimising
the effects that a major atrocity would have so soon after London 7/7.
I have no information regarding when the false flag atrocity is going to
happen in the US, but 5th November could be for both.
With the proven lies of Bush and Blair, many many people are now
wakening up to the fact that their supposed trustworthy Government
leaders, are anything but honest. It’s an exciting time to be alive. We
just need to ALL waken up a bit quicker.
I previously sent letters to over 600 UK national media journalists a
week prior to 22/7 giving them advance warning of the
Masonic/Illuminati signatures about that date and that it was highly likely that an
atrocity would take place that day - Egypt bomb at 22.07 GMT on 22/7.
The papers never warned anyone nor did they print anything after the
event. I also sent them letters 7 days after the atrocity and did not
receive any replies apart from a postcard acknowledgement from a BBC
being rubbished in a few well hidden lines in the local evening paper
- when they thought that nothing would happen.
Advance Warning Letter to Breaking news Editors
Advance Warning Letter to over 650 National Media Journalists
List Of Journalists Letter was Posted To
Letter After the Event to over 650 National Media Journalists
*/On 31st July I Was Then Offered /£/50,000 Pounds a Year To Stop
Telling People What They're Up To!/**
The Masonic/Illuminati Paymaster
This is quite obviously WHY no-one prints anything but the official
'Pack of Lies' **
*On Saturday the 31st July at 12.42 PM I was offered £50,000 a year in
telephone call received from a man called Angus Cleary, purporting to
from the News of the World, to "stop writing to people to tell them
we’re up to" and you’re one of the few who know, but suddenly you know
you’re writing to everyone telling them all about it, just please stop,
all right, we can, we can cut you in" - "fifty grand a year, what do
think" - call recorded and transcript authenticated. See Transcript and
listen to the Audio.
Authenticated Transcript
Audio -
Windows Media Format
Audio - Quick Time Format
*Please help to spread the word *- download the NOTICE BOARD POSTER,
print and distribute to all your family, friends, relatives,
workmates & acquaintances. Please also give a copy to all local shops,
pubs, clubs and company premises. Please also hand out at bus depots,
train stations and shopping centers.
* Download A4 SIZE NOTICE BOARD POSTER. Right Click and 'Save Target
As'Microsoft Word Format
PDF Format
You can also find much much more of the REAL TRUTH that is being
suppressed from you on www.reopen911.org
www.prisonplanet.com www.joevialls.net
*Issued on 27-Oct-05 by James Stewart – member of UK 911 Truth Group
and www.financialoutrage.org.uk *
Victims Don’t Even Know - Eliminate Yourself From Being a Victim NOW
Posted by: Gus | November 04, 2005 at 09:36 AM
Interesting. Dean believed that if VT had a methadone program, that people would travel to Burlington to get methadone. And then you mention a woman is killed for TRAVELING ELSEWHERE to get methadone, and claim Dean is at fault. Interesting logic you have there. Are you sure you didn't use a real knife in that costume, Peter?
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